We pro-actively carry out (multiple) acquisitions and also actively contribute to the integration of these acquired entities.
Our strategy focuses on organic growth through investment in the right drivers and exploration of attractive adjacent segments and countries.
Expansion calls for a professional organisation on all levels. We ensure that this is a smooth transition.
We introduce systems and processes to help maximise a company's performance, e.g. through digitalisation.
Questions that can’t be answered based on theories or literature. That we cannot solve by waving a magic wand either. However, Dynamica does have ample experience with such processes. We’ve been through them ourselves, more than once. By trial and error, which has revealed to us clearly what is required and what the crucial success factors are.
Read our case studies for insight on how we work.
Dynamica isn’t just our name, dynamic entrepreneurship is in our DNA. Even more than investors, we are entrepreneurs. We go for progress, move fast with ambition but backed by solid reasoning and based on knowledge, figures and growth potential. We support entrepreneurs and management teams with growth ambition in making the moves that get them there. That’s because we are experienced in acquisitions and know how to get an entire organisation on board.
Who you see is who you get. Dynamica is Cedric De Quinnemar and Jan Ponnet, two partners who use their own resources and knowledge to help companies grow. Whatever the challenge may be, Dynamica goes all in. We aren’t there as spectators; we stay personally involved, every step of the way. We work directly with the entrepreneur, CEO or management team. Not from an ivory tower, but with boots on the ground, in the workplace or at management level. We only invest own resources and take matters into our own hands.
Structural, long-term collaboration is the foundation for every investment. Dynamica is not just passing by. We have access to sufficient additional capital to invest and practice a strategy of sustainable growth. Both organically and at an accelerated rate through add-on acquisitions.
Doing business successfully is all about the ability to respond to opportunities fast and flexibly. As majority investor or as part of a management buy in or buy out: we are open to all types of collaboration. As long as we can move fast and hands on.
Fast decisions make for rapid growth. New strategies get approved quickly and executed as agreed. Yes, we like a no-nonsense approach. As private investors we have that freedom, without bureaucracy or hierarchy.
Cedric De Quinnemar and Jan Ponnet are the driving forces behind Dynamica. With years of experience as investors, entrepreneurs and consultants, they dedicate their knowledge and energy to helping companies grow, using their own resources. Ever since Cedric and Jan met at INSEAD, these driven entrepreneurs have been a complementary pair.